
2018 Summer School of ENHANCE: Science in hybrid energy harvesting technologies

The site of the Summer School

Place of the Summer School

The ENHANCE Summer School 2018 will take place at:

      ENSMM engineering school building
      26, rue de l'Epitaphe
      Campus "La Bouloie"
      25000 Besançon, FRANCE

Coming by BUS

  1. Line: 15, Station: ENSMM.
  2. Line: 3, Station: U-Sport, ou Station: Pôle Temis
  3. Line: 14, Station: U-Sport, ou Station: Pôle Temis

Besançon is the second city of the Bourgogne Franche-Comté region. It is located in the east part of France. Some distances from Besançon:

- 2h15 by train from Roissy-CDG Airport (Paris),
- 4h by drive from Paris,
- 160km from Basel Switzerland (shuttle from Basel to Mulhouse, then train from Mulhouse to Besançon),
- 250km from Zurich Switzerland (train to Mulhouse, then another train to Besançon),
- 170km from Geneva Switzerland,
- 250km from Lyon France.

A video by Besançon Toursim


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